Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Suit Up

"The idea was to bring together a group of of remarkable people to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could." (Nick Fury) 

Since there have been superheroes, nerds like me have wanted to see what would happen if they teamed up. Both the Avengers and the Justice League of America brought this dream to life (only marvel did it in live action).  Several superheroes are always better than just one, but just like in sports it is practically an impulse to compare one team to another. 

Each team has its advantages and disadvantages, however the justice league has a few flaws that seem to go unnoticed. The team of heroes come together to deal with a villain to powerful for just one hero. Here is my problem with the Justice League:

They call in the most powerful heroes in the world; Superman has super strength, can fly, and has various other super powers; Green lantern has a power ring that can create anything he imagines; Wonder Woman have super strength and speed and (in newer versions) can fly; and Batman utility belt and a cool car. To me, it doesn't seem logical that Batman would be involved. Batman is a great crime fighter, but that's all he should be fighting, the regular criminals. (Not even going to mention Aqua man).

Ignoring its flaws, the Justice League would make an interesting movie, IF IT EVER GOT MADE. 
DC comics, as a response shortly after the Avengers movie was released promised a Justice League movie by 2013, and Flash and Wonder Woman movies to follow soon after, not to mention a new Batman after the Dark night franchise.(really more Batman, never seen that one before). It's 2014 now and I'm fairly certain that not one of these movies have been made. Surprise, suprise DC comics fails again. 

The Avengers already have a sequel in the works. Featuring new members (new as in, new to the movies, they existed in comics already) Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and the Vision joining the existing team to fight ULTRON. Other upcoming movies which will be discussed in future posts are Ant Man, Guardians of the Galaxy and a Fantastic Four reboot. Because these movies are from Marvel studios we can trust that they WILL BE MADE!
Until then,

Excelsior, Marc out. 



  1. Currently yes, Marvel has the edge when it comes to team MOVIES but we’re catching up and have various movies in the wings (including Wonder Woman, Batman vs Superman) etc. As far as actual teams go though, DC takes down Marvel every time, easily.

    As far as your Batman argument goes, it is invalid. A) He is the brains of the operation. B) He has gadgets galore including various spaceships, suits and weapons that make him a valuable asset in any situation. Frequently he is the last one standing in any given scenario. After all…BATMAN!

    1. Bat Man may be the brains of the operation, but you don't put the scientists on the front line unless they're useful in a fight (cough...iron man, Mr. Fantastic, Bruce Banner) and your second argument is essentially "He drive the bus" which is really useful to a team who most of its members can fly or have their own spaceships. As for the upcoming movies, can we really be sure they're going to be made. They promised plenty of DC movies that have fallen out after the Avengers. DC is playing catch up, they are a fish in a foot race with Marvel.
