Thursday, March 13, 2014


Hello my nerdy readers.

Because of recent box office successes, Marvel has become a household name. If you don't know what I'm referring to you need to get out of the house more often. With big titles like Iron man, Thor, Captain America and, the ultimate superhero geek movie,The Avengers you can see why Marvel's fan basis continues to grow.  But there are a number of people that continue to hold on to the foolish belief the DC is the best superhero franchise.  This, of course, is not true.

Here is where the DC comics fans have stopped reading, with the exception of the die hard fans that will no doubt be leaving angry comments.

This topic is controversial among super-nerds (see what I did there) and I don't expect DC fans to be convinced from the start, if fact I wouldn't believe it if you did, so I will be sure to point out how Marvel is superior to DC in nearly every way. In addition, I'll be sure to address any and all counter arguments left in the comment section (unless they make absolutely no sense, I.E: you're arguments are like the hulks diapers. Frankly I would have no idea how to respond to that).  That said, I hope you enjoy the following internet bashing.

I would also like to point out that I will be focusing, for the most part, on film. While I do intend to include elements from the comics, my views are based on the knowledge that "none-obsessive" fans would understand. Now, prepare for eight weeks of superhero nerdy ness.

A thought for readers pertaining to my next post: who are the best DC heroes? The best Marvel?  How many movies do they have?

Excelsior, Marc out.

P.S. For future posts I promise to figure out how to put pictures on this stupid thing.  


  1. Really interesting blog topic Marc! I’d like to think of myself as a novice superhero fan with a lot to learn and I’m sure your blog will educate me properly. I look forward to reading about your opinions and maybe, just maybe, you will convert me to a Marvel fan.

  2. I like this topic! I'm not much for comics or what not, but I have quite a few friends who are really into them, especially Marvel rather than DC. Even if I am not much into superheroes, (I was pretty much lost when M. started talking about Batman and Spider man) but I really do love what I've seen of the Marvel superheroes thus far. To add pictures, there is an icon when you are in draft 'mode' next to the "link" that says (when you hover your mouse over it) "insert image." (Hopefully that helps)

  3. Although I cannot foresee how you're going to prove that Marvel trumps DC in any way that would be considered significant, I'm interested in seeing what your arguments are. An interesting discovery I just made: IGN's list of the top 100 superheroes contains 5 Marvel characters and 5 DC characters in the top 10. The top two being Batman and Superman, who happen to be DC characters. With that being said, I'd say the the two brands are pretty even, giving the slight edge to DC, but honestly... BATMAN > Everything

    1. Thanks for the comment. The list to which you referred, evaluated the heroes based on cultural impact, character development, and importance of story-line. Although DC does have good motivation for their characters, the characters themselves are, for the most part, not as interesting as their Marvel counterparts. As for the Batman and Superman issue check out my second post, I cover the mater fully.

  4. Hi marc. I personally have never been interested in super heroes or comics. However, your blog has sparked my interest in it. I'm very curious about the controversy and competition existing between the two brands, but my understanding of this topic is very limited. While you're giving your arguments, will you also be providing some brief history behind these underlying conflicts? Perhaps facts or maybe some interesting stories that you can share? I'm looking forward to reading your future posts.

  5. This topic is really interesting and I am glad that someone is finally doing this, especially since M Noecker is a huge DC fan and will probably hate you for this blog. Marvel is pretty superior to DC, but mostly because its heroes are cooler and have done better movies. I look forward to reading your blogs and remember that he movie Kick-ass is also Marvel.

  6. Thanks for the comment. Love the support. But just for the purpose of clarification Kick-ass is not a Marvel comic. It was published by Marvel but is owned by Icon comics. That said keep on reading, watching and enjoying.

  7. AHAHA Marc this is going to be interesting. Like Oliver has mentioned I also know that M Noecker is a big DC fan. You came out saying that people who think DC is better than Marvel are foolish. Those are fighting words in the legendary dispute between nerds! I hope to see that you can back up your statements throughout this blog. By the way, I'm on your side.

  8. While I love both companies, you can't argue that Marvel is definitely the leader on the media front. Although DC does have the upper hand with their animated films and shows, it is Marvel's live-action features that are taking center stage. It's inspiring really, to see the company grow from a B-Level super hero like Iron Man and make billions of dollars a few years after with what seems like well placed strategic planning. Although I love both, and I will support each sides individual media, I always anticipate the next Marvel chapter.

  9. Angry comments!!! I scoff in your general direction! Scoff, scoff, scoff!

    The only accurate thing I've read so far is Jake's comment. Bwahahah!
