Monday, March 17, 2014

Cast of Many. Cast of Few

I asked you who the best superhero was In the Marvel and DC universes respectively. No doubt in the Marvel universe names like Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, as well as many others, come to mind. In fact there are so many names that nerds have been arguing about it for as long as there have been comics. On the other hand, asking who the best superhero is in the DC universe is nearly pointless because DC fans will only ever say one of two names (neither of which are Aqua Man).

  Bat Man and Superman.

 These two names are the DC fan favourites, there's no argument. I wonder why? Because they are the only heroes worth any of your time. But don't take my word for it, hear it from DC comics itself. Let me explain.

 Over the years numerous movies have been made focusing on superheroes, up to 2013 Marvel has made 36 movies, and DC 25 (counting live action movies only, not including documentaries or TV movies). Marvel made more movies and was first to the punch with Captain America in 1944, but that's not what I'm trying to point out. Of the 24 movies DC made 16 to 18(depending on how you score "Supergirl" and "Catwoman") are Bat Man and Superman movies. There's your proof that the company itself doesn't even want to waste it's time and money making a movie for their second rate characters. Instead they would rather retell the same origin stories of the only two characters people will pay to see.

 I challenge a DC fan to give me one good reason Wonder Woman, the Flash, Hawk girl or Green Arrow is better than Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Black Widow or Spider Man. You can build a comic franchise on a handful of passable characters, but don't pretend to be up to the quality of a franchise comprised of dozens of great characters.

 Excelsior, Marc out.

 Sources hate to use Wikipedia as a source, but it was the only site I could find with a complete list.


  1. I agree with you 100%, there is no way in hell that green arrow and the flash are better than ghost rider and wolverine. Also, I would love to see a DC fan argue that Aquaman is even remotely better than any hero in the Marvel Universe. All DC has is Batman and Superman but, Marvel has a lot more.

  2. Cast of many vs cast of few? Are we maybe forgetting a little ol' thing called the JUSTICE LEAGUE?

    As far as the movie argument goes, it's not our fault that our two main characters are so popular and more interesting than every Marvel Hero combined. One of the reasons Marvel switches it up so often is because it doesn't have a solid hero to rely on. I mean, have you seen the Daredevil, Electra, and Ghost Rider movies? Have you? Yech!

    As far as this as your challenge: “I challenge a DC fan to give me one good reason Wonder Woman, the Flash, Hawk girl or Green Arrow is better than Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Black Widow or Spider Man.” Oliver Queen has an amazing backstory and is a human vigilante that doesn’t rely on superpowers and has an amazing ability with a bow and arrow. Marvel ripped him off with their creation of Hawekey over twenty years later. Wonder Woman is the original female superhero and existed as mythological hero before DC copied the idea with Thor. The Flash has an amazing power that Marvel copied with Quicksilver. Notice a trend much? Marvel just rips off DCs original ideas.

    And to respond to Oliver’s comment:” I would love to see a DC fan argue that Aquaman is even remotely better than any hero in the Marvel Universe.” Aquaman is a hero whose realm is the Ocean, a whole different and unique environment to explore. Oh look, something original. I can see how a Marvel fan would be unfamiliar with that concept. Let’s see….did Marvel rip Aquaman off too? Sure did. Who is the Marvel version? Namor. Name sound familiar? Didn’t think so.

    1. You have it backwards Marvel has so many reliable characters that I has to switch it up to satisfy all there fans ( not to mention the Avengers initiative which became the highest grossing movie of all time). As for the matter of your claim that Marvel ripped off Green Arrow you may be right about that, but there is no proof that Hawkeye is based on him. Furthermore, isn't Green Arrow himself a rip off of Robin Hood. The idea that quicksilver ripped off the Flash is ridiculous, in a word of super heroes it's not unlikely that two would have the same powers you could even say that Flash ripped off road runner or Speedy Gonzales.
      Finally, I have heard of Namor, although I know him under the name The Sub-Mariner, and I found you comparison of him with Aqua Man interesting especially since Aqua Man is a rip off of Namour who first appeared in 1939, two years before Aqua Man. Booyah!

  3. This is Mr. Noecker's wife Sherri, and I have to say I agree 100 percent with this blog, my darling husband is totally wrong. If you take Batman and Superman out of the Justice League, the rest of the League is too weak to handle global scale threats. The Avengers on the other hand have a huge, rotating roster of powerhouse heros. Take out Cap, Iron Man and Thor (a god by the way) and the Avengers still have the likes of Wonder Man, Scarlet Witch, Jack of Spades, Vision, The Wasp, Giant Man, Ms Marvel, and many many more reserve members on call. A network of heroes which dwarfs the Justice League by a factor of 10 times or more!

    To say that Marvel copies DC is ridiculous, because there are a limited number of human physical attributes which can be super powered, there will obviously have to be some overlap.

  4. Nearly every Marvel universe superhero has joined forces on the Avengers to fight epic villains at one time or another, now that is butt kicking teamwork!

  5. MARC.... I regrettably inform you that you have been expelled from La Troupe Royale on account that you just cant seem to grasp the concept that Batman is the king of all super heroes, that DC is better than Marvel, that Nicholas Cage ruined any chance Ghost Rider ever has to be credible again. And lets be real Batman is the hero to end all heroes and until you accept this your life will be incomplete.
    Batgirl, out!

    1. If your going to tell me that Batman Is better (which he isn't) than any Marvel hero som evidence would be nice, otherwise we're just having a "yes he is" "no he isn't" argument in which "no he isn't" would win. And as for the Nicholas Cage matter, yes they were bad movies but the character himself is awesome (for more information check out my "It's a fine line" post), and for the record it's not like DC has never made a horrible movie...Batman and Robin, Superman IV: Quest for peace, Cat Woman, Green Lantern just to name a few.

      Accept Iron Man as your leader.

      Excelsior Marc out.
