Friday, June 13, 2014

Never Heard of Him

Have you heard of...Nevermind you probably never have. Both Marvel and DC have obscure heroes that only the devoted fans know about. I thought I'd take a look at a select few obscure heroes who deserve some recognition.

 First, a hero by the name of Sentry.

 When I'm having arguments about Marvel vs DC (which is a lot), I'm often reminded of Superman's annoyingly powerful invulnerability and super strength among others. When that happens I like to bring up Sentry, a hero who not only has most of the same powers as Superman (including a big S on his costume) has something that makes the character interesting. Although Sentry is a superhero and a reserve member of the avengers, what makes the character intriguing is that he has a split personality. His alter ego is the Void, an evil entity based only on the need for death and destruction. Conflict not from villains but from himself that's what superman lacks.

 The young Avengers

 As you could probably guesse from the name, they are a team of superheroes that are also teenagers. Made up of heroes like Iron Lad, Hulkling, Patriot, Thor Girl ,Wiccan, Speed, Stature, Hawkeye II and many others. Admittedly sometimes coming off as a bit cheesy being a team with nearly identical powers to the original Avengers but younger. However, as a whole they are entertaining and do play to a younger audience, but come on... The Avengers. And these heroes are specifically created to be young, not like DC's teen titans which create teenage versions of some of their heroes. Personally, I think they have potential for a big screen adaptation but that's for the future. 

Lastly Moon Knight.

 The similarities to Batman are astounding. Both fight crime at night, both are millionaire playboys, both have a multitude of weapons, both have specialized vehicles, both have the word knight in their name (i.e Dark knight). What makes Moon Knight better than Batman is that he actually has super powers, his strength is affected by the moons phase(which is not the coolest power ever, but hey it's more than Batman can say for himself). Another thing that makes him awesome is that he does the will of Khonshu, an Egyptian god, who gave him his powers and an assortment of weapons. One more thing, he has the same name as me (i.e Marc).

 These heroes deserve some more recognition, they're just as good a some of Marvel heavy hitters and defiantly better than most of DCs.

 Excelsior, Marc out.


  1. "Iron Lad"... Really, Marvel? REALLY? You just had to go with "lad"? I don't question the younger versions of whatever superheroes they chose to young-ify. I don't even care that you insulted Batman again.
    Of all the plethora of words that exist to indicate a male of a younger age, they just had to use "lad"?
    Sentry seems like a half-decent superhero (get it? Hurhurhurr).

  2. I like how you find specific heroes from the Marvel Universe that are basically copies of DC heroes, but better and you explain them in a way that makes them sound completely bad-ass and just downright better. MARVEL 4 LIFE!!

  3. Sigh...Marc Marc Marc. First of all you've just confirmed that Sentry and Moon Knight are blatant ripoffs of DC, Way to go Marvel!

    1) Superman has no split personality and needs more conflict with himself? Have you read any Superman comic, ever? I refer you to Bizarro, red kryptonite and Superman 3! Superman's all about the inner conflict.

    2) Based purely on the names and pics, we see that Iron Lad, Hulkling, Patriot, Thor Girl, and Hawkeye 2 are just ripoffs of their older and more popular mentors. At lest teen titans have actual unique and captivating characters such as BeastBoy, Raven, Starfire, and Cyborg. As far as Robin goes, he's a teen!!! What do you want?

    3) One of the things that makes Batman awesome is that he has NO powers. He gets by on his wits, his training and his massive wads of cash. He's just like us: a very, very, very rich us. This is far more entertaining than your werewolf wannabe.

  4. I mentioned that they were younger versions but that makes them no less awesome. And it's not like moon knight's powers are world ending, it's just nice to have something so you can actually call him a SUPER hero. Batman sucks, and for the record I don't care about what kind of BS iner termoil superman deals with, he doesn't have a split personality that wants to destroy everything.
